Blood thirsty little bunny......ĴõĚŷ ƒŐō™

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

welcome to my life

okay, errmm..I'm just a 13 year old.. Living life like It's no one's business i speak up for myself sometimes...and i guess that's why i created a blog..i know it sounds stupid but...that's it.
let me tell you about my life..Once there was a pretty princess that lived in a beautiffuuulllllll pink castle...blablabla, that's totally not true..a haunted mansion maybe? ookkayyy.. i'm living in a tiny tiny country called Malaysia u've probably never heard of it...and there's this even tinier city called kuala lumpur..this ain't any wonderland...
I'm in this BBBooooooRRRRIIINNGG high school at the moment spending my 13th year in this world in boredoom... it's like hell if u ask me...teachers, friends..yeah especially this "X" girl who is ssssoooooo annoying and pure evil....she's even worse than Bush! okay, so I miss my old friends...the ones who actually sing cheesy comercial songs every hour or two and the ones who make me laugh my head off...
Anyway, I'm still wondering if i could crawl out of baredoom alive. Have you ever wondered what will happen if everything in your life takes a great spn and everything changes in a twinkle of an eye? I think not.....
I have a passion for astrology, skateboading,soccer,art and music...i always did...just that in this world theres too many people who want other people to listen to what they want to say, if you do that to often, you'll end up like me..When everyone's busy talking and no one's ever gonna listen to what u wanna say, 'cause they're all busy talking...You'll end up slightly me... and start to remain silent,'cause in this situation, nobody will ever listen,SO......,

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